Rock Erosion Control Structures
Also commonly referred to as “Zeedyk” structures (Zeedyk & Clothier, 2009), Shawn Connor (Bio-Logic) explains in this Wyoming Game and Fish Department video series how these structures are commonly used in wet-meadow restoration. See also Maestas et al. (2018).
Helpful References

Zeedyk, B. and Clothier, V., 2009. Let the Water Do the Work: Induced Meandering, an Evolving Method for Restoring Incised Channels. Island Press, Washington D.C., 256 pp

Kraebel, C.J. and Pillsbury, A.F., 1934. Handbook of Erosion Control in Mouuntain Meadows, U.S. Forest Service, California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA.

Maestas, J.D., Conner, S., Zeedyk, B., Neely, B., Rondeau, R., N. Seward, Chapman, T., With, L. and Murph., R., 2018. Hand-built structures for restoring degraded meadows in sagebrush rangelands: Examples and lessons learned from the Upper Gunnison River Basin, Colorado, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Range Techncial Note No. 40. Denver, CO.

White RJ and Brynildson OM. 1967. Guidelines for management of trout stream habitat in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: Madison, WI. 68 pp.

Swanson S, Wyman S, Evans C. 2015. Practical Grazing Management to Maintain or Restore Riparian Functions and Values on Rangelands. Journal of Range Management 2 : 28 pp.
The Quriva Coalition’s Erosion Control Field Guide has recipes for a Rock Mulch Rundown, a Zuni Bowl, One Rock Dam, and Media Luna. We show the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s overview of these recipes below.